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                  Cleanup Power Mini Air Cooling Fan dust

                  Date: 2015-1-29   Click: 1283 Times

                  First, prepare a small bottle of oil and place a toothpick, then the "Mini Air Cooling Fan" power is removed from the chassis, turn on the power to the enclosure, remove the fan, the fan blades to find the location of the dust gathering place, with a soft brush to its clean-clean. After the clean-up work is completed, the "Mini Air Cooling Fan" in a positive manner in the middle usually appear label, the label can be opened to see the fan bearings, use a toothpick dipped in the lubricant in the bearing point, the oil should be appropriate attention. After completion of the label stick back, prevent dust from entering, and then "Mini Air Cooling Fan" and restored to power. When the fan is not free to use grease to oil, poor land lubricating oil will not help, but will make bearing accelerated wear, Men should select specific products may be able to use high-quality sewing machine oil instead.

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