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                  Micro Cooling Fan more wind strength, air farther

                  Date: 2015-7-29   Click: 1247 Times

                  "Micro Cooling Fan" poly turbine fan blade design unique, five double poly turbine fan blades AS, and "vector" bicyclic uniform wind, wind is more "powerful", air farther, about 8 files at low bit from the fan 2 meters can still feel significant airflow. Transparent blades, taking into account aesthetics and practicality. It is worth mentioning that the poly turbine fan blades technology in the "Micro Cooling Fan" shift also has a unique role, can achieve a smooth shift, with reduced noise even save energy effect. "Micro Cooling Fan" humane innovation, simple and convenient operation, first let the fans are so stylish and colorful, relaxed with a colorful home environment, people who have become living artist.

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